Hello 2011! I absolutely love new years. Around November, I start to notice that my year is getting a little stale. I start wondering what I can do to freshen it up a bit. I start wondering and wondering and then I get anxious. When I get anxious I try to remember that I tend to try and make things work faster than they are supposed to and maybe a need to slow down for a few days. Then it’s Christmas and I have no choice but to slow down. Is it slow down or speed up? I cannot remember. Anywho, after the Holiday vortex I feel as though I have a fresh perspective on the closing year and I start to get excited for the upgrade. It is not about starting over, no my dear it is not. It’s about updating your mind and heart from your previous year‘s knowledge and experiences, holding on to what is serving you and let go off the bologna that isn’t. Moldy bologna is not good for anybody so just throw it out!…There now do you feel better? All fresh and awake and ready for new adventures, new goals, new delicious nuggets of life! Okay, maybe that’s just me; maybe I get a little extra excited.
Nonetheless, today is a great day to meditate on and set your intentions for 2011, as today is the first New Moon of the year! Many traditions celebrate the new moon as a time to plant the seeds of intentions. Think of it as a new idea that you can hardly see and as the moon grows to full so does your idea. This New Moon is particularly powerful because it is in the sign of Capricorn. Am I losing you now? You have all heard of Astrological Sun Signs; Leo, Virgo, Aquarius and so on. The moon moves through these same signs every 2 ½ days as it makes its cycle around the earth. Capricorn is said to be an ambitious and practical sign and the We’Moon date book says that the Moon in Capricorn is a good time to, “build, dig, organize, exercise discipline, work on foundations and make practical progress on a dream.” Capricorn energy mixed with the New Moon energy means that now is the time initiate what you want to see happen this year. Oh by the way, did I mention that there is a partial solar eclipse today as well? Sure is, and this magnifies everything.
So here is my plan for harnessing this energy. Since Capricorn is an earth sign, I am going to walk up Skinner’s Butte. I’m preparing a short yoga practice and meditation for Willie and me. The yoga practice will be about releasing, grounding, and then expanding. The short meditation will help us to open to new practical ideas and will set the foundation for positive, concrete, and specific intentions. Then we’re going to make a vision board for our upcoming year. I really enjoy vision boards, they’re so colorful.
I would like to encourage you to do something today to set your intentions for the upcoming year. It can be as simple as writing a list. Make it concrete, positive, and specific! Do whatever feels right to you, no rules. I suggest doing something that opens you to the earth like going for a walk or sitting under a tree. Then spend a few moments to set your intentions and ask the Universe for what you need to accomplish your goals. Remember, we get when we give. Go through your drawers and closets and get rid of anything that is no longer serving you, mentally and physically. Doing this provides a greater opportunity to receive the things you need.
Think of this “New Year New Moon” as an upgrade for the New you, with this download what will you be able to achieve? The meditation and whatever action you choose to go with it is the download process. Are you Ready for the “You” 2011 version? Share with me how you are downloading the New Year, New Moon 2011 upgrade.
Have a Blessed Year!