Technically Imbolc and the New Moon where on Wednesday but the moon doesn't move out of Aquarius into Pisces until 6:57 tonight so there is still time! Also, I think it's nice just to be aware of the earth shifts and to set your intentions when you get the chance. I get so busy around Spring and Summer so it's no wonder that I've been really busy celebrating what I like to call "Candlem-almost Spring!" (Candlemas is another name for Imbolc).
Here is what my dear friend and mentor Bekah Finch has to say about the New Moon and Imbolc.
"The moon in Aquarius is a call for community, perception, deep intuition and biggest picture thinking. The fixed (maintain) air (consciousness/creative energy) is a potent balance of harnessing our group thoughts, creativity, dreams and focusing and holding it until it expands into something more than we can possibly imagine.
The last full moon pulled the bandage off old wounds and poured salt water into them. It hurts like hell... but the healing can be quick now if we stay receptive and willing to endure. This waning cycle has been all about endurance. Many people are struggling to hold on and keep going. There is a feeling of sadness, intense emotion and a little bit of craziness but it will pass. Breathe into the sting of the salt, the ocean water that is symbolic of that last Cancer full moon, and we can now allow the strong wind of Aquarius to blow through and take away the intensity: the new moon is here.
We are again free of eclipses this new moon, we do have the added energy of the Chinese new year (year of the rabbit: purity, nurturing, peace, calm, rest, so needed after Tiger last year and Dragon in 2012!) and of a cross-quarter holiday. Most of you are aware of the equinoxes and solstices, but in the middle of those big shifts are the cross-quarter days which represent the mid points of each cycle. February 2nd is Imbolc, also know as Candlemas and I like to consider it the very first stirrings of Spring, though some see it as mid-winter.
Imbolc was also the day of purification, prophecy and initiation for the new priestesses in the Goddess traditions. The word Imbolc has to do with year's first milking of the ewes and symbolized re-birth. The celebration was dedicated to the Celtic goddess Brigid, who was such a powerful goddess that when the Christians took over Celtic lands, they made her into a Saint because the people would not renounce her and Imbolc became Candlemas, day of lighting the sacred flame. She is the goddess of healing, inspiration, poetry, creativity and smith craft. Brigid is also known as Bride and it is her that women invoke before marriage as she is symbolic of the maiden, stepping into her power and beauty."
So how did I celebrate the stirrings of spring? Willie and I started "Almost Spring-Cleaning" the house on Tuesday. After my yoga class on Wednesday, hi Kim!, we went to Salem to try on bridesmaids dresses for my brother's late spring wedding, hi Pete and Liz!. After lunch in Salem we went on a lovely walk through the Alkeny Wildlife Refuge. It was so beautiful. The sun was beginning it's descent and casting a soft golden glow, birds chirping, a gentle breeze, clean & crisp mountain air. Take a deep breathe awwwww. Sorry, memories. By the way, have I mentioned I love Oregon? It's important to me that you all know this as fact and not just hype. Anyway, back to Candlemalmost Spring, we were exhausted from all the goings on Wednesday that we decided to save our Imbolc ceremony for Thursday. In the spirit of community Thursday I joined my acro-yoga group for some fun acro-yoga play. I can't think of a better way to mingle with your community than balancing your whole body on a complete strangers feet. Then after dinner I initiated Willie into my art of ceremony and ritual. Which is fly by the seat of your pants, constantly breaking circle because I forget stuff style. (If you're not familiar with what I'm saying right now just go with it, it would take a few more blog posts to fully explain) I lit the room with every candle I own and Willie and I set our intentions for this month, because he likes to Om we did a continous round for a few minutes. We did some yoga including a brief intro to acro-yoga. And then! Then I awakened my sacred drum. I created this drum with my own hands many months ago. I was told not to play it until it had dried and been awakened. This could have been done a few days after the drum was made but in typical virgo fashion I held off afraid I would ruin it. But since Imbolc is a good time to initaite and bless healing tools I felt I could hold off no longer. My drum has the most beautiful voice with both high and low pitches and a strong vibration, it should make for an exceptional healing tool. And now onto Friday that last day of the New Moon, in preparation for my first Craftshow (Craftopia at WOW Hall Saturday Feb12 Noon-5!) I am wood burning all day, Brigid would be proud.
Just becuase the moon is shifting though doesn't mean you can't take the message of Candlemalmost Spring and the New Moon with it. Take this weekend to spend time with your community, clean house, do something good for your body and mind (like a yoga class on Sunday at Celebration Studio 18th & Willamette 11:00-Noon!) and notice the earth as it begins its transformation back to life!